10 Jul 15

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Go West

Route Royale

What a difference a day makes! There were two contrasting forecasts today: TopMeteo said it would be rubbish, while PCMet said it would be good. Since all proper glider pilots are optimists, we went with PCMet and an early launch onto the Gourras, which turned out to be a good plan with pleasing climbs to 6,500ft. There was a fair amount of cumulus in the gaps between the ridges so it was easy to get onto the parcours and across the lake to Guillaume.

Western Ecrins

During my traverse to the Ecrins I kept hearing the same voice banging on about Prachaval. As the pilot was foreign I didn't fully understand what he was saying but, seeing no clouds over the Queyras, I decided that he was probably stuck there, unable to climb away. So I treated myself to a different path, following the route royale and the western ridges of the Ecrins, where clouds were plentiful with bases only just above the peaks.


This side of the national park is far prettier than the east. The arrangement of valleys and peaks is more intricate and the cloud shadows add a further dimension, all of which leaves one with a unique visual treat. Encountering eagles and buzzards at close quarters was a further, and occasionally helpful, bonus. I went as far as the tete de la Gandoliere, after which the clouds ran out.

So, back south I went, to Guillaume, the parcours and as far south as the montagne de Coupe. I estimated that there would be decent clouds over the eastern Ecrins by now, so I worked my way back up the parcours to Guillaume, the col de Terres Blanches and on to the tete de Vautisse. A good climb there positioned me nicely for a run up to Mont Pelvoux. Some softening of the conditions there encouraged me to fly back towards the security of the Gap valley.

Route Royale

I flew on towards the pic de Bure and further to the col des Claps before returning back to the Sisteron cuvette. I took a final look at le Mas du Chene, where I was fairly sure the pool was being heavily utilised, and landed back at the club. This evening's entertainment was at Noyer's "Bar Centrale", where Ariane and I enjoyed pizzas, wine, and the company of Danielle, Jayne, Chris, Dave W, Steve and Jan.

Pic de Bure

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