...to the Sisteron 2003
Expedition website. Glider pilots from the Cambridge, London, Sackville and
Norfolk gliding clubs are coming together at Sisteron, in the South of
France, for their annual visit to the French Alps (see cast
list). We are bringing a
selection of gliders including two LS6Cs, a Duo Discus, three ASW27s, an LS8,
a DG200 and a Pik
When it is flyable we plan to build a diary of tasks, photographs,
how-I-dunnits (and perhaps logger files too) of the flights we have made. On non-flying days
we will let you know what other activities we get up to, even if they
just involve visits to the bar.
We hope to be able to update this site daily during
our stay - if we
don't, it is probably because we are getting too much flying! If you are
interested in what you see here and want to learn more, please email John