07 Jul 15

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Petit Tour

Oh, it's you again...

Today's story is quickly told. Conditions locally were forecast to be hot (37C) and stable to 6000ft. I launched onto the tete de Boursier and strolled along the ridge for an hour or so, finally getting a thermal that got me above the top of Malaup. Another hour was spent trying and failing to get the altitude required to reach the parcours. Instead, I did manage to find some southerly wave that got me to 7,800ft, so I went to Auribeau which was bound to be working by now.

It wasn't. After a brief battle with five other gliders on Authon, I decided that would be enough for today. The lure of our swimming pool was too great, so I went back to Malaup (just in case...) and then descended for an early landing. 

That's gliding for you...  

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