19 Jun 08

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It looks like we have a good run of weather for the next few days. As expected, today had fewer clouds and higher bases than yesterday although, as Wagner put it, the thermals were still "square".

I was cabin crew today while Ariane took us from Hongrie via Authon, Auribeau and Blayeul to the parcours. It was not working too well over la Blanche, but there was enough to maintain 7500ft. A climb near Dormillouse encouraged us on to Morgon, where we were soon joined by a dozen other gliders, all trying to make the same thermal work.

Eventually it did, and we pushed on to Guillaume and then across Clotinailles and Furan to the tete de Peyron, carefully avoiding the probably-working-but-cloudless Prachaval. At 11,500 ft we moved along to the col d'Izoard and the Roche Brune.

The huge and impressive bulk of the Mont Blanc was visible well to the north and although there were cumuli towards the Modane valley, we felt that going further north would not be that fruitful.


Queyras Mountain Village

Instead we flew to the tete d'Amont and then the glacier noir where some enterprising Brit was reporting wave at 15,000ft (turned out to be Tony Crowden who was flying out of Gap). In the company of half-a-dozen gliders we had an entertaining spell trying to gain entry. We were not successful this time so we made a small tour of the Glacier Blanc before picking our way to the pas de la Cavale, mercifully free from cloud today, allowing as to cross at a comfortable 1800 feet rather than the previous day's 1800 inches.
And so to home. As Ariane pointed out, evening flying at Sisteron is a very gentle affair. Each thermal is a mile wide and all the sun-facing ridges seem to work. At this time of year, the sun is on the north facing part of the Gache so even that works despite the valley breeze having some south in it.

Eventually the call of cold beers dragged us down, after another typical day in the Alps. 


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